Monday, 15 June 2015

Meal Prep!

Meal prepping a yawn but fab in the long run!
Recently I’ve been more focusing on what I’m putting into my meals and how much of each food component makes up my meals.
Meal prepping is super fab but super boring (in my own opinion) I’m not a fan of standing in the kitchen waiting for food to cook because I could be doing something so much more interesting like seeing how many ‘keepy uppies’ I can do with a football (I’ll let you know when that works out for me). SO when I stumbled across all these cool gym dudes Instagramming their pictures of meal prepping I WANTED TO GIVE IT A WHIRL.
At first I was just cooking my meal for the next day using what I had for dinner the night before, which was working well for me then I decided to step it up another level. Cooked all my meals for the week in one evening and BAMM. Every other evening I can spend practising my keepy uppies. Yes.
ALSO, this is a super way for students to be able to take their pre prepped meals to uni with them, this means they know exactly what they’re eating plus keeping that well earned (maybe) moneys in their pocket and not the shop across the roads pocket.

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