Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Its September and its nearly time to get back into my routines for fitting my workouts and healthy eating around going to uni! So here are 3 new motives that I will be working on for this month.

So I am moving back to uni, into my new student house after, in my opinion, a pretty rad summer that was slightly too long maybe. I'm super excited to get back to the city and get straight down to... yep you guessed it, the gym to renew that membership! After using the outdoors as my gym for the past 3 months to save money and enjoy the countryside a bit more, I have decided to make my workouts my focus of this month. My motive is to make sure I go to the gym 6 times a week, using Sunday as my rest day. I want to make sure I have a solid, good quality month of workouts and clean eating before uni starts at the end of September and the flood gates open and mountains of work come flying my way.

This motive is because I have been slacking on this for the whole of summer, the last term of uni I was super strict with not eating after 7pm, but its fizzled a bit and I want to get back into the swing of things. so NO FOOD AFTER 7PM. 

Sleep is definitely one of my favourite things to do but not if I get too much or too little. I have a little thing that I only like to have 8 hours each night, don't ask why I am so specific because I don't actually know, but I would say a big reason is how I feel. If I get too much sleep, I feel sluggish and lazy for the whole day and if I get too little sleep, I am super cranky. (yeah I am one of those people that do not do well on little sleep). So September is about focusing on my sleeping pattern, but also on my quality of sleep. I want to use my phone less before I sleep, it is so tempting to get into bed and just scroll through social media and pointless crap. I am either going to meditate for 20 mins before sleep or read a book for 20 mins before sleep. 

3, 2, 1 ...GO!  

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