Wednesday, 9 September 2015

3 Lunch/Dinner Ideas For A Student On A Budget!

Tomato Lentil Pasta
Tin of green lentils - 60p
Italian Passata - 70p
Whole wheat Pasta - £1.20
  1. Boil the pasta in a sauce pan of water until soft.
  2. Drain the lentils from the water in the tin and cook in a saucepan for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the passata to the lentils and leave to simmer for 5 minutes on a low heat.
  4. Serve together whilst still hot.

Tortilla Pizza
Wholemeal Tortilla Wrap - £1.00 (pack)
2 Tomato - 65p (pack)
Italian Passata - 70p
Spinach - £1.00
Mozzarella - 50p

  1. Chop up one tomato and blend in a food blender, transfer the blended tomato mixture into a saucepan and simmer on a low heat with one table spoon of passata. (if you don't have a food blender, chop the tomato up small and bring to a simmer, take a fork and break it down into a paste type mix)
  2. Once the tomato mixture has thickened on a low simmer, spread onto tortilla wrap.
  3. Add the toppings you wish onto the top and put it in the oven for 10 minutes at 180 degrees.

Fish Pie
Sweet Potato - £1.50 (pack)
Red onion - 80p (3 pack)
Tinned Tuna in spring water - £1.00

  1. Peel, cube, boil then mash the sweet potato.
  2. Cut the onion to your choice of size.
  3. Drain the spring water from the tuna and mix the chopped onion with the tuna.
  4. Layer in an oven proof dish with the mashed sweet potato spread on top.
  5. You can add any toppings like grated cheese or herbs to add more flavour.
  6. Chuck it in the oven ( not literally) for 20 minutes at 180 degrees.


(All the ingredients I used and bought were based on prices at the supermarket Sainsbury's)

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Monday, 7 September 2015

Confidence Is Key.

Confidence plays a rather large part in everyone's everyday life.
Got an interview? Make sure you're confident.
Meeting some one new? Just be confident.
Starting a new job/new uni/new school? Let your confidence shine through!
Peeling a potato? Let your confidence lead th ....Wait, what?

I feel like from past failed experiences of changing my lifestyle and fitness it has mostly always been about 'you must lose weight to fit in' or 'Don't be the fat friend in the group' and when I researched into a ton of fad diets and pointless easy exit ways to try and lose weight it just focused on ' lose your weight and workout and life will be just dandy' and although that is slightly true because my life has become a lot 'dandier' since I have started this journey and lost  a lot of weight and become a lot healthier and fitter, I feel like the other factors that you gain from the journey of weight loss and fitness get undermined.

This is where confidence comes in.
Now this time last year, even thinking about stepping outside my comfort zone scared the crap out of me.I had no confidence in anything like talking to new people, making new friends, expressing my opinions, nothing. Nada. I just wouldn't put myself through it. I was probably at my worst during 2011-2013 in the view of my diet, lifestyle and fitness. I was very overweight for my age and that is when my confidence took a very harsh drop ( although I could talk for hours to people I already knew, but that's about how far it went.)

I can hand on heart say that starting this fitness, health and lifestyle journey that I decided to embark on at the beginning of the year has been the best thing I have ever done. Physically, mentally, personally and emotionally it has made my confidence blossom. This summer, that is coming to an end ( super sad, its been rad) has been the best summer for me to prove to myself my confidence has improved. On a recent trip to Devon I decided before we went I was determined to go surfing. no matter what. I had never done it as much as I love water sports and being in the water ( yes, I was definitely a mermaid in my past life) in the past my confidence had held me back greatly and the thought of getting in a wetsuit surrounded by beach goers didn't sound appetising to me, but this summer I wanted to do a ton of stuff I had never done before SO, I got my wetsuit, I got my surfboard and headed out to my favourite place in the world, the ocean. I spent about 4 hours non stop in the water working on my surfing on one of the days and LOVED every minute of it.

I'm not saying that if you eat a salad here and there or go to the gym once in a blue moon (is the moon actually blue though?) that your confidence will come flooding back, that's not how it works. I have been working on my confidence now for the best part of a year in my health, fitness and lifestyle as well as my everyday personal life. Its all one big journey/adventure that I am loving!

I want to carry on stepping outside of my comfort zone fitness and lifestyle wise. One thing that I want to pursue also is to get on the university hockey team. I have a big love for hockey and was always on the teams in my early high school life but it kind of faded due to my drop in confidence, and just didn't think it was 'cool' at the time. (very regretful that I even made this an excuse back then) I have been umming and ahhing all summer about joining because my confidence in my fitness is still growing and although I now have a pretty good fitness level, my critical self still compares myself to others and makes me worry that I wont be able to keep up. But I really want to push myself that bit further even if it is a challenge and I hate it sometimes, I know I will regret it if I don't sign up and challenge myself.

Keep working hard, dreaming big and being positive. Your confidence will soon come flooding in.

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Friday, 4 September 2015

This is a pretty simple recipe that can be 'sassed' up by any other ingredients of your choice but for the main dish ingredients I have put together a little recipe for you. 
2 chicken breasts
  1. So the first step is to peel and chop your sweet potato into cubes, not too small but not too big, then put them onto boil. Just to make them softer before adding it to the rest of the dish
  2. Chop up the rest of the ingredients and dice the chicken. 
  3. Using oil, (I used coconut oil but you can use any type of oil) fry the onion and pepper al dente (oh fancy vocab shan) then add the chicken and fry until the chicken is cooked throughout. 
  4. Take your peas and broccoli and put them onto boil for around 5 minutes. (until starting to soften)
  5. when the chicken is cooked through, add your quinoa with 1 -2 cups of water to the chicken and let it simmer until the quinoa is cooked. 
  6. The 5th step can be quite tricky to work the quinoa:water ratio so if you don't want to do it that way, cook the quinoa in a separate pan, drain it, then add it to the chicken, onion and pepper mix.
  7. Next, add your sweet potato, broccoli, spinach, peas and kale into the mix and let it simmer away for 10 minutes on a low heat. 
  8. Serve it up still hot and enjoy!
You can literally add any vegetables you want into this dish, and also you can use vegetable stock for the quinoa to simmer in for extra flavour. 

This dish works perfectly with frozen vegetables which means can easily be affordable us students out there because most of the time frozen veg is cheaper than fresh veg, but can be just as nutritional! ( its just the quinoa that can be a tad pricey, well for a students budget anyway...) 

This amount lasted me for 4 meals, I just dished it into tuppa wear and put it in the fridge for the next couple of days.

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Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Its September and its nearly time to get back into my routines for fitting my workouts and healthy eating around going to uni! So here are 3 new motives that I will be working on for this month.

So I am moving back to uni, into my new student house after, in my opinion, a pretty rad summer that was slightly too long maybe. I'm super excited to get back to the city and get straight down to... yep you guessed it, the gym to renew that membership! After using the outdoors as my gym for the past 3 months to save money and enjoy the countryside a bit more, I have decided to make my workouts my focus of this month. My motive is to make sure I go to the gym 6 times a week, using Sunday as my rest day. I want to make sure I have a solid, good quality month of workouts and clean eating before uni starts at the end of September and the flood gates open and mountains of work come flying my way.

This motive is because I have been slacking on this for the whole of summer, the last term of uni I was super strict with not eating after 7pm, but its fizzled a bit and I want to get back into the swing of things. so NO FOOD AFTER 7PM. 

Sleep is definitely one of my favourite things to do but not if I get too much or too little. I have a little thing that I only like to have 8 hours each night, don't ask why I am so specific because I don't actually know, but I would say a big reason is how I feel. If I get too much sleep, I feel sluggish and lazy for the whole day and if I get too little sleep, I am super cranky. (yeah I am one of those people that do not do well on little sleep). So September is about focusing on my sleeping pattern, but also on my quality of sleep. I want to use my phone less before I sleep, it is so tempting to get into bed and just scroll through social media and pointless crap. I am either going to meditate for 20 mins before sleep or read a book for 20 mins before sleep. 

3, 2, 1 ...GO!  

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Sunday, 30 August 2015

I cant believe that August is over already! That month went super fast but its time to review the monthly motives of August!

This motive has by far been the best one of this month, I've really enjoyed working on my pace during my runs because it has had such a positive impact on my thoughts about running and how my body reacts to my runs now. So, before I started working on my pace I saw the run part of my workouts as a chore because of my impatience. When I went running, I would go too fast which then made me want to stop sooner because I would tire quicker ( mainly because I have got pretty used to going on HIIT runs). So being able to work on my pace to enable me to run further and for longer has helped me to enjoy running more. So much so that I have made a goal for myself to be ready to run a full marathon in 2017. 
Motive Met? Smashed. 

This motive is going pretty well, I'm finding it a lot easier to get started with my days once I have had a glass of water before anything else. I know that sounds cliché but its true, drinking a glass of water every morning before I do anything else has become a very refreshing part of my get ready routine. I did drink a lot of water throughout the day before I started this motive and I still do but  I wanted to set it as a motive to make sure I was drinking water before filling my body with caffeine as it contributes massively to getting your metabolism started again after your body has been in a fasted state all night.
Motive Met? Smashed.

No alcohol
So I am full on holding my hands up, waving a white flag and admitting that I failed at smashing this motive. BUT im not going to put myself down about it because yes, I had a couple glasses of Rosé with my dinners a couple of times during the month, but I could've done a lot worse with other alcoholic beverages that contain higher amounts of sugar and other nasties.One thing I will take away from this motive is, improving my willpower and knowing its not rude to say no to alcohol sometimes when at a friends or out with friends. ( plus some more will power to be able to say no sometimes to the beloved Rosé
Motive Met? Fizzled.

Friday, 28 August 2015

A Pompous Porridge Brekkie

This is a quick and easy brekkie for all you students that have woke up late and only have 20 minutes before your lecture starts...

  • Grab some rolled porridge oats
  • Pour 300ml of milk
  • Slice a banana 
  • Grab a handful of Blueberries
  • Sprinkle that cinnamon 

  1. Throw ( not literally) the porridge oats and milk into a sauce pan and bring to the boil on the hob and keep stirring until a thick consistency ( or however you like your porridge).
  2. Pour into a bowl and chuck your banana and blueberries on top, sprinkle that cinnamon and get eating!

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Monday, 24 August 2015

Setting goals and running a full marathon in Canada?!

So from my past experiences of talking to people about them wanting to workout or go to the gym or even just work on eating healthier, the main conclusion I can make is. EXCUSES.
I feel that 101%, ( added that 1% to emphasise my feeling for this point, hello drama queen!) excuses are one of the top reasons as to why goals that people set don't get smashed.

If I ask someone to come to the gym or on a run with me or if they even ask for some advice on health, fitness and lifestyle, I watch the cogs start turning in their head and almost straight away a lot of them reel out all the things that could stop them and use an excuse as to why they "CAN'T".

So this led me to thinking that a major part of setting goals isn't just about the positives of the journey but also how you will overcome the factors that could prevent you from achieving the goal. One of the major flaws is people putting their work, social or personal life in front of their health and fitness life. You should make the swap and make your work, social and personal life fit around your health and fitness life. 

'The only bad workout is the one that didn't happen' - Unknown. 
Eliminate the excuses one by one to progress with your goal setting! Willpower
I think willpower, goes hand in hand with motivation especially when it comes to working towards goals. The willpower you build up will help to prevent yourself from skipping that workout or not running that extra mile and it will result in a massive push in the right direction of your goals. Our brains can be the biggest competitor to try and destruct your goals, we've all been there...

The achievement from having the will power to fight back to all the distraction and preventions can boost your motivation. The fact that your will be able to prove your negative thoughts wrong will make you even more determined to push the negative thoughts to the back burner. 
I'm not saying anyone is perfect and everyone gets off track once in a while (definitely including me!)but by adding will power to the 'goal achieving' equation It will be a whole lot more enjoyable seeing your progression.

When people say keep your goals small and reachable, In my opinion I feel like they are selling people short a bit, why not have a couple of bigger goals that can get smashed by the smaller goals you set? Im not saying set unrealistic goals and it'll be rainbows and unicorns, but keeping to small goals can sometimes get repetitive. I think you need a bigger goal to set the bigger picture.
These past couple of weeks ive kind of gone running crazy and although I didn't enjoy it as much before and used to see it as a 'chore' in my workout routine, I am finally really starting to get into it since I have worked on my pace, timings and distance. This has lead me to set some new goals for me. One long term big goal that will be achieved by smashing some smaller goals along the way.

Long Term Goal:
By the time I finish my degree in 2017, I want to be able to run a full Marathon either in England or in Canada (Where I want to go as soon as I have bagged this degree)

So I wrote this goal down and then thought of all the things that can boost me towards smashing that goal. Below are the events I want to take part in to propel me into being ready for a full Marathon and of course with other frequent training in order to build up my mileage background and training tolerance.

Smaller Goals:
Tough Mudder- Mud Run 2016
Race for Life - 2016
London Royal Parks Half Marathon - 2016

Wolf Run - 2017
Full Marathon- London or Canada 2017

I know to reach these goals I am going to have to build up some more willpower to prevent myself from slacking during training.
Seeing the goals I have set myself helps me tons to keep focused on what I want to achieve.

There are loads of ways to keep yourself focused on your goals,
  • Set daily/weekly reminders on your phone, computer, tablet of what you're heading for and why
  • Keep a journal of the journey towards your goal! when you get to the end of the journey being able to read back over everything your achieved and overcame will boost your confidence!
  • If you start to slightly slip off task, sit down and remind yourself of what you want to achieve and revamp the motivational willpower
Don't let the negatives, preventions, distractions beat you!

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Saturday, 8 August 2015

This is a superrrrr way to re gain your energy after a workout as a post workout snack or just a small snack in-between meals. It takes 5 ingredients to create these balls of energy and goodness.
Below are the ingredients you will need with a jolly simple and easy method. 

  • You can use any nut butter, I just prefer almond butter to peanut butter.

  • You could also use agave nectar instead of honey. 

  • I used double chocolate whey protein powder from My Protein 

  • Put all the ingredients into one bowl and mix together until the mixture starts to stick together.
  • Grab some mixture and roll into small balls, they don't need to be super big because they're just little snacks, but you can roll them whichever size you would like.
  •  This mixture made about 15 balls that were quite small. 

  • I like to put the protein balls in the fridge or freezer after just to keep them cool and less sticky. I have heard they can last months if you keep them in the freezer, I haven't tried that yet but mine normally last 1-2 weeks in a fridge for post workout energy or snacks.

Happy Energy Snacking!

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Saturday, 1 August 2015

So It is August 1st 2015 and last night whilst watching Pretty Little Liars (My reward from me to me as long as I have worked out during the day. It works.) I was listing ideas that I could incorporate into my blog as permanent fixtures throughout this journey to a healthier lifestyle and a fitter future and to make this blog a little more 'alive'. 
The first idea that I came up with is 'Monthly Motives' ( some fine alliteration there, Shan.) the whole idea around this is to get back into setting regular reachable goals at the beginning of every month. Since being home from uni I have admittedly slacked on the mentality side of my journey. At uni I used to set reachable goals each week whilst in the gym of what I wanted that week. Some of the goals included things such as not allowing myself to leave the gym unless I have worked out for at least an hour each day or No snacking between meals, substitute with water, making sure I am asleep by 10:30pm to get the most out of a sleep ready for a workout in the get the idea. These are the kind of goals I set myself every week when I first started this journey to force myself and push me into a strict routine (I needed to do be this strict for it to work).
Since being home although I haven't given up on eating clean or working out everyday ( I never will, I love it too much). I feel I have really lacked in keeping my mentality in shape. My motto is 'Mentality Over Physicality' because I believe your body will do anything you push it to do, its the mentality you have that will make or break your dreams (cheesy but true).
So this is where Monthly Motives come in. At the beginning of each month I will be setting 3 new goals for myself one for fitness one for health and one for lifestyle. Then at the end of every month I will be looking at how I did, focusing on whether I carried it out for a month, if I didn't, WHY? and if I did, what I did well and what the next steps/goals are.
So here goes...

The motive I want to set for this month is to work on my running pace to improve my running time and distance. Running outside and not on  treadmill is a lot harder because your legs have to do more work to keep pushing you along whereas on a treadmill the floor moves and your legs just go with it. I find when I run I rush, I become very impatient and try and power through the run all the way although this can be a plus because it makes me do a high intensity interval run, I want to work on my running distance and time to improve my long distance running. I was reading an article the other day on About Health on '13 Tips for Running Farther' and one of them stood out to me which is: Run at a Conversational Pace. I d never heard this before and thought it was such a good way to put it. So this is how I am going to judge my pace, if I can talk and hold a conversation easily without being out of breath my pace is good, even if it is at slightly slow pace I will be building up over 4 weeks. 

For my health motive I am going to make sure I have at least 1 glass of water as soon as I wake up. Before I have a morning coffee, my breakfast or anything else. I am following the well loved saying 'Hydrate before you caffienate' 

This is a kind of big one, cutting the alcohol. Now I'm not a massive drinker I don't go on a 'mad one' every weekend but lately ive been drinking almost every weekend due to going to festivals and going out for birthdays so ive decided im going August with absolutely no alcohol intake. This is also mainly because I will be moving back up to uni at the beginning of Septmeber and although I have pretty good will power and self control, trying to go through freshers week without some alcohol induced nights out just wouldn't be the same( the excuses of a student everybody).

So... the 3 goals above will be my monthly motives... the laws of august...the great goals! that I will be working towards,at and with throughout the month of august. On August 31st I will be doing a follow up blog post to update on how I did and continue through to September 1st to set 3 new goals!

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Friday, 31 July 2015

How To: The Glorious Green Smoothie

Check out the video below on how to make my Glorious Green Smoothie!

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Healthy Ice Cream For Breakfast?!

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This is a suuuuper easy recipe to change up your normal breakfast especially as it is summer now (yes, English weather it's summer, do what you gotta do!) so ice cream for breakfast sounds pretty fab if you like ice cream!
This is not my original recipe but it's just ideas pulled from other recipes and made into a quick and easy recipe I use for breakfast

 You'll need: 

  •  2 chopped bananas (or 1 depending on how much ice cream you want)
  •  A choice of your own ingredient, I have used frozen raspberries but you can use anything to add flavour like cinnamon, Cacao powder or another type of fruit, anything! 
  • Some toppings (nuts, dried fruit) 

 How to: 

  • Chop the bananas before you go to bed and put in a freezer bag in the freezer for the night
  •  In the morning whack out the food blender, and put your frozen bananas in with the other flavouring ( I used frozen raspberries)
  •  Blend it all up, it takes a while to go into an ice cream like consistency, just leave it blending while your sort out your topping
  • Once it's in a smooth consistency put it into a bowl and chuck your toppings on, and yes mine is ever so slightly 'Instagram ready' ( slight perfectionist) but it's just as good to chuck them on top
  • Finally, grab a spoon, a glass of water and dig in!

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Granola Galore!

Recently I have become a very big fan of having granola for breakfast because of the energy that the nuts and fruit give. So I thought I would give a home-made granola recipe a go that has a lot less refined sugar and other nasty's in, that some of the shop bought brands have in them.

If you want to try out this recipe its super easy to make and will normally last for about 1 week/2 weeks if put it into a airtight sealed container. 

2.5 Cups of Rolled Oats
3/4 Cup of Honey
1/4 Cup of Vegetable Oil or Coconut Oil
1/2 Teaspoon of ground Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon of Vanilla Extract 
45g Brown sugar
Mixed dried Fruit and Nut - however much you prefer to put in

1.Preheat oven to 180ºC (356ºF)

2. Mix the rolled oats and Brown sugar in a mixing bowl and add the Honey, Vegetable/Coconut Oil, Vanilla extract and Cinnamon into the mix and stir all the ingredient together.

3.Line a baking tray with greaseproof paper and spread the oat mix evenly over the baking tray.

4. Put in the oven for 15 mins

5. Chop the dried fruit and nuts into your required size and mix together in a bowl

6. Take the oats out the oven and mix the fruit into the oats on the tray

7.Put back into the oven for another 20-25 mins but stir occasionally to prevent the top burning.

8.When the oats are golden brown take out the oven and allow to cool for an hour, they may still feel soft when you first take them out but when they cool they will harden into a granola type texture. 

9.Seal the granola into an airtight container.

The fruit and nuts I put into my Granola were:
Chopped walnuts
flaked almonds

Wednesday, 8 July 2015

My 4 Top Tips on Eliminating the Excuses.

There are so many positives to working out not only in terms of fitness and health but it can also just generally help you as a person.
The Number 1 positive I love about exercising is:

  • It releases endorphins 
So learning about the good old endorphins in my old Health A-level class I found really interesting how they can be our 'natural feel good' hormones that are often released during exercise resulting in putting you in a fabulous mood after a workout! ( I know, what more could you want?!) 

  • Stress Reliever
So you're near exams or a project due in date and you are last minute having the ultimate stress out? Well get those running shoes on and run it off or get to the gym! exercise has also been proven to help improve and control your mind set in stressful or anger fuelled situations. Whilst exercising your body releases 3 main chemicals (adreneline, serototin and dopamine)  that work together to relieve stress and enable to you take a better control over your negative emotions and ultimately bring you mood up from a low to a natural high. Even just 10-15 minutes of vigorous exercise can eliminate negative feelings, so I am sure revision could hold for 10 minutes while you run out the stress and create a revision ready mind set for you next session in front of your books/laptop.

So, so far I have briefly explained that exercise can have a pretty positive change on you generally i.e your moods, on your mind set, emotional control and of course your fitness and health so why are you still reading this and not outside exercising yourself into a good mood?!

okay wait before you go and do that take a look at the next 4 points to eliminating the excuses...

Setting yourself goals:
Now with this one alot of people set goals that are slightly out there and don't carry them out because "Its not working and its taking to long to reach the goal" and im not an expection to this because my goals used to be ridiculous ( I mean 'looking like Michelle Keegan in a matter of weeks' at 16 my goals were a bit excessive) and I always ended up giving in because I felt like I wasn't getting anywhere near to my (slightly ridiculous) goal. SHORT AND SWEET, these are the best goals in my opinion. 
Of course everyone that sets out on a journey of creating a better lifestyle and to get fitter will have the long term goal of a better body image, health and fitness but I mean REAL short and sweet.(and no I don't mean doing a 10 minute run with the goal of reaching Express Diner to get some fried chicken.)

Achievable goals are key. If I am in the gym I will set a specific goal for that gym session keeping them short and sweet. For example: I wont allow myself to leave the gym until I have done at least 60 minutes of working out no matter how long it takes or how much my mind keeps telling me to turn around and walk out the door ( burst into song, I know you want to) I will not leave (being strict and having a lot of mental strength really helps). Its just the same if I am outside going on a run, I wont allow myself to go home until I have done a HIIT run for at least 40 minutes. Achieving a goal is honestly the best feeling and will definitely motivate you to go out and smash another goal during your next workout!
So keep them short and sweet on a daily/weekly basis and it will all add up to achieving a long term goal!

Compete with yourself: (or the oblivious person on the next treadmill along)
Now anyone that knows me knows I am not a competitive person...HA who am I kidding I am UBER competitive! If you get on the treadmills or any other machine next to me in the gym you have just entered yourself into a competition without knowing, that's all I'm going to say...
I love being competitive with others especially in sports but also competing with my own personal bests. I am constantly trying out new workouts or new levels of workouts to beat my usual ones which, can make a workout so much more fun and interesting.
So what are you waiting for?! your personal bests wont come to you! GO GET THEM!

Reward System:
As childish as this point may sound it can really work. 
Yes, you can totally have that glass of wine or the Jaeger bomb while you're going out on a 'mad night out' tonight IF you've done your workout for the day! Simple as that folks, you get that workout in during the day, you can get the double vodkas in during the night!

Nullify The Negatives:
"Its just who I am" 
This quote above is the one that I have heard the most when it comes to excuses of not exercising, and yes I always used to think this too but not one word of that is true when it comes to body image or your fitness levels. YOU can change that.
Way too many people influence your own thoughts and will ultimately lead to you believing you cant just because someone else says so, this then results in your attitude being the main negative that is stopping you from saying you can or you did. Take matters into your own hands, its easy enough saying that 'you can' but until you do you wont gain anything from it. So because 'YOU DID' read to the end of this blog post ( thank you for bearing with)  now 'YOU CAN' go and put it all into practise so you can say 'YOU DID' and 'YOU ACHIEVED'. (An awful lot of cheesiness in that last sentence)